Saturday, June 20, 2009

Box Project In Your Town?

When we started this, we had no idea how strong the interest would be in bringing the visual art community together with the musical community. We ran out of boxes for the Denver Box Project show almost immediately. And artists started asking if we were going to do another exhibition. So that made us wonder "Maybe we should do shows in other towns??"

We're putting feelers out and so far there's real interest in doing a Common Box Project event in Asheville, Chicago, Taos, Santa Fe, Pensacola, Portland (OR), and Los Angeles.

The idea would be the same:
  • Make a call to local artists
  • Get them the raw materials (a box, lyrics, audio and related images from the new record by JC&BFoL)
  • Artists would do their thang i.e. make incredible assemblage art
  • Throw a party/gig/opening night somewhere in that town where everyone involved would hang out, get to know each other, see all the amazing art, hear the new record, and me and the band would play a show - ideally with with 1 or 2 bands from that town.
  • It could be all in one night or over a weekend, whatever works.

We just need three things to pull this off in your town:

1) Enough interested artists (30+)
2) A local person to be the curator / project manager / quarterback
3) A gallery space
4) A place for John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light to play a show (same space?)

What do you think?

~ John

1 comment:

  1. I am a graphic designer and letterpress printer in Dallas, Texas and very interested in participating in the Common Box project. We have a Design Club in Dallas consisting of 800 members so won't be a problem finding artists. I also have a studio space. It could be a great show in Dallas!
